- 上映年代:2015 状态:HD
- 导演:William De Vital William de Vital
- 主演:莎莉·柯克兰德 娜塔莎·阿兰姆 埃里克·罗伯茨 阿列克谢·谢列布里亚科夫 弗拉基米尔·戈斯丘辛 Igor Savochkin Evgeny Shmarlovskiy Ruslan Chernetskiy Olesya Grybok Koby Azarly Monte Rex Perlin Anthony De Longis Oleg Veber Gray Michael Sallies Zed Korshoonoff
- 地区:美国
- 更新日期:2020-05-10
- 本站评分:10.0恐攻密码战豆瓣短评链接

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恐攻密码战: World renowned journalist Sara Ogden is traversing the world in pursuit of carriers of a fatally dangerous "Stamp of Cain" in order to prevent seemingly unrelated events such as mass murders, turmoil, revolutions and chaos. She doesn't even suspect how close she is to the edge of the abyss, when in her search she ends up in Belarus to meet face to face with the one, whom she has been searching for her entire life.